What’s New at Salida del Sol?
We promise to provide our parents and community with a variety of communication options that help create a two-way relationship with our school—and here’s one of them. Be sure to bookmark this page for timely articles and event announcements from Salida del Sol.
Nos comprometemos con nuestros padres y la comunidad en proporcionarles una variedad de opciones de comunicación que ayudará a crear una relación entre ustedes y nosotros con nuestra escuela. Aquí está uno de ellos. Asegúrese de marcar esta página en sus favoritos para recibir todo tipo de articulos y anuncios de Salida del Sol.
Board of Directors Parent Election Results
We proudly announce that two board of director parent members earned votes to win their spots during the election this past week.
Safety Upgrade – Actualización de seguridad
Please take note of these new safety upgrades.
21 Century Clubs – Clubes del siglo XXI
Beginning the week of September 3, clubs will run Tuesday through Thursday.
Securly – de forma segura
If you have not signed up for the Securly app please do so right away. Feel free to speak with Ms. Stadler if you didn’t sign up.
School Accountability Committee – Comité de Responsabilidad Escolar
We still need parents to participate in this meeting that is only held four times in the year.